What Is A Swing Analysis?

One Hour Swing Analysis

The primary purpose of the introductory swing analysis is to establish a baseline of understanding for you (the player), so we may identify what creates many of your struggles physically. Yes, believe it or not, there is plenty of rhyme and reason behind what we do as instructors in training you to create a better and more efficient motion.

Thankfully, swing mechanics are fairly straight forward and are determined by very concrete phenomenon such as physics and bio-mechanics (how the human body works). The media does such a good job of highlighting what makes every professional golfer unique yet they all share a number of key fundamentals in common. It is our job to first identify these fundamentals for you, but then most importantly to initiate a personal coaching program and practice process that will lead to that much more efficient swing motion. Eventually, this process will lead to discussion and improvement of your mental psychology as well as overall game/course management.

As the swing analysis is an informational session, it is important to then build an instructional process and practice routine around that to expect any permanent results. We are most interested in your long term improvement here at Imperial Golf and so everything we do for our players is meant to help them develop for years to come. Please take a moment to review our “Programs” page to learn more about how personal coaching begins.

Remember, Process is everything!

A screenshot of our JC Video software which allows us to record both video and audio content for your further review of each session you have at Imperial Golf. This is just one example of various technology we use to expedite your process!

A screenshot of our JC Video software which allows us to record both video and audio content for your further review of each session you have at Imperial Golf. This is just one example of various technology we use to expedite your process!


Imperial Golf

6265 Lewis Dr. Ste 103

Parkville, MO 64152